miércoles, 9 de enero de 2013


This time, M-Clan but not a regular song.... i wanted to share with you the first single that was released with the new band.

After almost 20 years of songs Carlos Tarque decided to start a new way, together with Ricardo Ruiperez, on this album we would be able to hear some tracks that remind us the previous LPs but at the same time we 'll find new sounds more related to Soul music than to classic Rock.


martes, 8 de enero de 2013

8th song of the year :)

Good morning my dear followers..!

This time the song it's about drugs.. or women, it's probably the first one.. but being a little romantic i'm going to choose the second option ;)


lunes, 7 de enero de 2013


Well... it's been a long time since I wrote about something, but it’s been even more if we talk about writing something open to the public... so please go easy on me :)

I'm trying to find something different to do with my "boring life". I’m getting too tired of the same stuff, same people and same things to do.
I'm looking for something different. Something besides my "crazy but "too worn out" life :P

This is not just a blog about me. What I pretend here is to give something new and fresh everyday.  I need to push me somehow in order to give you something else from me :) let's find out if it's possible or not...

As a beginning I'm going to post a daily song on the blog instead of in FB. I want you to visit my lovely, humble and... hopefully long life site!!

... why this name? It’s pretty obvious.

Good night partypeople

PS: I promise I’ll improve the design J